List of Archangel Names

Archangel Gabriel - God's Messenger
Values: Balance, Benediction (approval), Grace, Inspiration

Archangel Hanael - God's Sacred Warrior
Values: Courage, Hope, Integrity and Will-Power

Archangel Jophiel - God's Holy Liberator
Values: Forgiveness, Joy and Liberation

Archangel Metatron - God's Supernatural Teacher
Values: Mercy, Miracles, Wisdom, and Divine Intelligence

Archangel Michael - God's Cosmic Leader
Values: Patience, Transmutation, Enchantment, Awareness in the Now (BEing Present)

Archangel Raphael - God's Holy Healer
Values: Cleansing, Communion, Empathy

Archangel Raziel - God's Keeper of Divine Mysteries
Values: Dreams, Faith, Intuition and Refuge

Archangel Sandalphon - God's Sacred Guardian
Values: Intention, Evolution and Love

Archangel Shamael - God's Divine Guide
Values: Beginnings, Serenity, Transformation and Beauty

Archangel Uriel - God's Blessed Eternal Companion for Human Beings
Values: Freedom, Abundance, Friendship and Trust

Archangel Zadkiel - Divine Comforter
Values: Appreciation, Security, Gifts and Stillness

Archangel Zaphkiel - God's Bringer of Sacred Love
Values: Compassion, Ecstasy, Romance and Surrender

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